Welcoming in the weekend with a bang.


You might wanna step back.

We have more to be thankful for in the full history of video games than the outrage machine would lead you to believe.
. @The__Carnival

Zelda is not an RPG series.
. @NullSpaceGaming

One should ensure they're very famous and not just quasi-famous or pseudo-famous before they begin unfollowing all the people who helped them get where they are.
. @Umbral_Ice

If you really want clickbait to stop, then stop rewarding the bait with clicks.
. @CKFlynn_VA

If somebody doesn’t like a game, that does not on its own have anything to do with anybody being personally insulted.
. @TomServoJones

Hollywood actors in video games as a thing we're doing now couldn't be any more patronizing.
. @PlayJakSayBack

Example of objectively bad game design: when a tutorial gives you incorrect information and you as the player get punished for a bad translation or a lack of communication skills.
. @Voxgizer

Saying "yeah but it doesn't FEEL like Zelda" isn't a good enough reason to say a new Zelda isn't Zelda. "Zelda" being a stand-in for just about any game. You could have started Zelda at any point in any state of mind. What Zelda FEELS like to you is not universal.
. @winstolf

Not every JRPG needs voice acting.
. @EriChannelTV

Don't promote your hard work with "I did a thing". You're worth so much more than that.
You can follow @theWellRedMage.
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