Implicit in the GOP/conservative "let's be the real anti-racist party" line is that there are not enough nonwhites who support things like law and order, therefore, we need to soften our message... which is... well 1/
As a result, the GOP/conservatives have assimilated and reinforced much of the Democrat/left moral framework, myths, and idols -- they just claim to understand them better, "we can deliver on these things better than them" 2/
So rather than going hard on nationalism, laborism, and social conservatism, we have this scattershot approach that ultimately talks tough but our policy sucks. We hit with kid gloves and talk a big game 3/
The GOP/conservatives did the same with LGBTQ ideology, which is why people like Charlie Kirk won't denounce drag queen story hour and why Trump will never take meaningful action against it, and why promoting LGBTQ ideology remains a staple of our foreign policy 4/
Unless a third party emerges, or a better version of Trump emerges, the GOP is probably going to continue shifting left in the middle of a color revolution. So you'll have one side staging a state backed revolt, and the other side trying to prove they aren't racist 5/
The white pill (?) is that so many Americans are basically keyed up for this to happen. There is a lot of energy for a better America First movement, a better Trump 6/
The challenge is distinguishing the alternative, while working with the Trump legacy, from what is very much a phony version of America First birthed sometime in 2017 and has now become the dominate version 7/
I actually think a serious nationalist, pro labor, socially conservative movement that, unlike this administration, actually takes on the oligarchs will win sizable support from Latinos and probably decent amounts of blacks, Asians, etc. Who doesn't hate plutocrats? 8/
But to do that, we have to kick much of the GOP/conservative orthodoxy that Trump rhetorically challenged in 2016 but then embraced, i.e., we can't seek compromise with Silicon Valley but conflict, we have to stop bootlicking the G D P and promote common good policies 9/
And you know that when Matt Schlapp et al hears "common good" they scream "that's socialism!" This we have to get away from 10/
We need a movement that builds on Trump’s good legacy while cutting out the bad, because only that will usher in real meaningful change, rather than this idiotic back and forth trying to prove who isn't racist while the out of control fedgov swallow up our lives 11/
A huge part of this would be getting away from the lie of neutrality in government and law. The left understands this and foists itself on us. We have to believe that we can use power responsibly, and so be willing to use it for the common good rather than shrink from power 12/
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