Biden: "Quite frankly, if what is written in The Atlantic is true, it is disgusting. It affirms what most of us believe to be true -- that Donald Trump is not fit to be the commander in chief."
Biden: "President Trump has demonstrated he has no sense of service, no loyalty to any cause other than himself. If I am honored of being the next commander in chief, I will ensure that our American heroes know I will have their backs."
Biden: "Donald Trump may be the only president in modern history to leave office with fewer jobs than when he took office.
Biden: "Ladies and gentlemen, no matter what he says or what he claims, you are not safer in Donald Trump's America. You are not safe in Donald Trump's America, where people are dying at a rate last seen when Americans were fighting in World War II."
Biden on Trump: "Bottom line, Mr President, do your job. Get off your golf course and out of the sand bunker. Call the leaders together in the Oval Office. Sit with them and make a deal."
Biden on Trump's comments as reported by The Atlantic: "How would you feel if you had a kid in Afghanistan right now? How would you feel if you lost a son, daughter, husband, wife? ... it's deplorable."
Biden on Trump's refusal to disavow QAnon: "I've been a big supporter of mental health. I'd recommend people who believe it should maybe take advantage while it still exists in the ACA. It's bizarre...what in God's name are we doing? Look at how it makes it look around the world"
Biden on Trump mocking him for wearing a mask: "It's hard to respond to something so idiotic."
Biden on Bill Barr saying China is bigger threat to elections than Russia: "He's a lousy enough attorney general, but he's a really bad intelligence officer."
Biden on Trump encouraging his supporters to vote twice: "Look, I mean, how many times does this president have to suggest things and say things, where you all don't just write, 'he's a fraud.' Not an opinion."
Biden: "My anger is real because I must tell you, I carry... a gold star that was made up for my son Beau... I always carry it with me. I didn't carry it today b/c I was worried that if I focused too much on it that I would engage in some of the kind of language [Trump] has used"
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