5yrs on Twitter and nothing changed.

Random atheist abuses Hindu Gods, Hindus and trolls abuse him back. He touts he is not offended, so trolls compete to offend him until he is.

Then he declares Hinduism is worse than those who murder for their god coz he is now offended.
On the part of atheists, it is incredibly stupid to abuse ppl and then expect not to be abused back. Or to measure “goodness” based on how bad their abuses are. I had said this on @razibkhan’s podcast too, atheists on Twitter are NOT proving their args by abusing people’s Gods.
If you abuse someone’s mother, you are not doing any favors to your own mother because you know it will be given back in kind. This is a general principle. Atheists arguing that my mother is imaginary is YOUR view. For believers, our Gods are as real to us as our parents.
Would I abuse Armin Navabi’s mother in retaliation to that post? No. But I wouldn’t abuse anyone else’s mother in the first place. That certainly does not make Navabi any more virtuous than trolls who abused his mother. You chose to wallow in filth. You dont get to virtue signal.
Nothing in this entire exchange is principled. This is not about freedom of expression, freedom to offend, atheism’s core arguments or anything of that sort. This is plain hate against Hindus. Do not pretend that you were making a profound point here because you weren’t.
And yes, Hindus will always be more offended than Abrahamiks about their Gods, because we have a deeper relationship with divinity. Always have and always will. We will still not institutionalize murder in the name of blasphemy, apostasy and heathenry and THATS the difference.
Any Hindu pretending that what Navabi said was okay, is simply not a Hindu. Any decent human being pretending that the images of Armin’s mother are ok, is simply not a decent human being. I don’t have to condone either of your disgusting behavior.
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