I'm infuriated. It's almost time for my son to leave, and he started talking about visiting his other grandparents and said "you can't go because they think you're a boy"

And I said "what do you mean?"

And he told me they kept correcting him to say "his dad" and it upset him.
These are the same grandparents bankrolling my ex's divorce. What in the actual fuck.

And my ex has the gall to act like I'm doing my kid damage by transitioning - when my son knows who I am and loves me and literally doesn't give this stuff a second thought in our day to day.
Of course, I'm just nodding to my son and asking him how he felt and trying to make sure he's processing things alright.

But this is not right. And you better be sure I'm going to email my ex about it.
and now I’m being misgendered in emails by her lawyer. 🙃
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