See the problem is you have been caught in lies for 4 years so why now would I believe anything you say @realDonaldTrump
Today maybe a long one...when I was growing up my dad would tell me & my brother stories about when he was in the Air Force durning Vietnam. He was stationed in Greenland! I can remember him being pissed he went there & not Vietnam...his best friend did go! -1
They had gone in on the buddy system...they both came home & we’re best friends until the day my father a child it was just one of those Dad stories... but when I hear the things @realDonaldTrump has said about soldiers & POW’s....-2
You know what I hate about American’s? All the bullshit. We have all heard, out of his mouth these things.we know he has lied since day one, and we’re supposed to believe that he doesn’t feel that way about Gold Star Families & how Americans don’t want to see our braviest w/o -3
Their arms & legs! We have seen all of this with our own eyes! I don’t need to know the name of the people who told the @TheAtlantic the dirty details! And every fucking GOP congressmen & woman, senators that haven’t come out & called him out for it today since you allowed -4
This behavior since the you want to ignore it & act like none of this happening! You have empowered a man you doesn’t understand American values! He has Trump values not Americans values...all the things you guys crammed down our throats for years, -5
Your the moral party, you love the military, the party of God! And you guys put a man in office that sleeps w/ porn stars while his wife is pregnant! We all know this is true! Morals really....he has none. We all know this too! -6
But let’s talk about the military since that’s where this all started...we all know he was a draft dodger since the 80’s at least, if not sooner. We know the lies he told about 9/11 seeing it from the window or balcony I’m not sure exactly...while all these young men & woman -7
Watched those building fall, went & signed up to serve our country! So let’s go to 2016 where he says he doesn’t like McCain because he was a POW, he doesn’t like people who get caught...we all saw how he treated the Khan family after they spoke at the DNC...these are things -8
We saw with our own eyes. While in France he doesn’t attend the ceremony to pay respect to our fallen soldiers because of his hair. It was raining & they tell us the SS wouldn’t drive him..OK whatever. That makes absolutely no sense to anyone. But now we’re supposed to believe -9
That all of this article is a lie...I feel pretty sure that each GOP governor, Congress person, senators have not had one solider from your state die or get harmed durning their service & you don’t say a word! You are spitting in the faces of each of their -10
Family members. Children’s who father died in combat. What is wrong w/ ya’ll? I wish someone would explain this to me... #TrumpResignNow #BidenHarris2020 #VOTE
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