I’m sure this has been discussed before, but seeing the choices UCP have been making just lately makes me think about their poisonous and toxic worldview. To them:
-if you are poor, that is your own fault. If you were a better quality person, you would not be poor. Therefore
the government bears no responsibility for doing anything about your poverty.
-related to this, if you can only earn a minimum wage at your job, UCP thinks that is because there is something defective in your character. Nothing to do with them allowing employers to exploit you.
-if your poverty affects your children, that, again, is your problem and not anyone else’s, according to UCP. You should have thought of that before you had children. Even if the circumstances that reduced you to poverty happened after they were born.
-in UCP’s vision of ‘civil society’, those who donate to charity and help the poor and unfortunate should be able to look after the less fortunate to the degree that the government can wash its hands of them entirely. They should also be able to pick and choose who they help.
-once you have been relegated to the ranks of the poor, any windfall that happens to come your way must not allow you to get ahead in any way. UCP finds this unacceptable.
-the wealthy, who are wealthy because they are superior people (in UCP’s eyes), should have better health care, better education, more tax breaks, and anything else they desire to preserve their status and let them avoid mingling with peasants. Their money is ‘hard-earned’.
-UCP thinks society would be better if we regressed half a century. If women would just stay home and look after their kids, as God intended, there would be fewer people looking for jobs. Also, this whole pandemic back to school thing would not be a problem.
-UCP did the minimum possible to support back to school to illustrate this point. Families with a parent staying home to homeschool their own kids don’t need to worry!
-In the same way that they regard poverty, if you suffer from addiction, that is your own fault. UCP thinks society would be better off with fewer of these people, however that happens. If they overdose, fine. If a court can force them in to rehab, ready or not, okay.
I hate thinking this way about an entire group of people, especially ones who are running our province. But I’ve seen and read UCP supporters express ideas like this.
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