Small thread:

I want to be clear why I'm taking the direction I am. Across the spectrum, people have become victims of a billionaire owned media and duopoly and the damage is quite real. I've realized I have to change course.

Obviously some can't be reached. I'm fully aware.
But we must try.

Our country is in a very dangerous spot. And I'm not talking about the election right now, everyone should vote their conscience, vote for Biden, vote green, do whatever you have to do, this goes beyond that.

The point I'm making, is years of billionaire...
... owned media truly taking its toll.

And to scream at people, call them stupid, get angry, etc is getting us nowhere.

We have to start at the idea that so many are truly misinformed and be patient and kind enough to speak with them.

Will it work? No idea. But I do know...
... that what we're doing now is not working.

We on the left are fragmented, our entire country is fragmented, and we're all angry at each rather than at oligarchs who've been destroying our country for decades.

And personally, I don't want to keep going down this path.

I will continue to be ruthless with the institutions that destroy our environment, keep our citizens poor and suffering. I will continue to call out injustice and media bias.

And I'm going to learn how to effectively speak with people. For me, that's the best I can do.

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