Random thought..

A part of me feels a teensy bit of sympathy for these "white supremacists..

(Hear me out..)

Think about it, they feel like any kind of diversity will result in their "extinction". That they have nothing to stand for except for their skin color..
Can you imagine what it would be like to have no other ideology to hold onto other than your skin color? That the color of your skin is the only thing to identify you?

You like nothing.. you love nothing.. nothing interests you...

There are no niches or hobbies..
The only thing you devote your time to is the "preservation" of your race. You see any other race as a threat to your own. Any other cultural influence is a threat that taints "white culture"..

What a miserable existence...
The only people you interact with are other white supremacists, as anyone else is "obviously" working against your efforts to save the "white race".

So you really don't have any friends or loved ones.. you only have "allies" and "enemies"..
It makes all too much sense that this is what they are making the international narrative now... making every issue "black or white".. "good or evil"..

To them; you can't support one of their foes without inherently being against them in every way..
Support black lives? You are anti-white people..

Support equal opportunity for everyone? You are also anti-white people..

Against a white dictatorship? You are anti-white people..

I can't even imagine being incapable of having actual human relationships with others..
To think what kind of conditioning, training, and dehumanizing conditions leads to people becoming this way..

To think of what levels of trauma must lead to your only emotion being that of a murderous rage against the only part of you your upbringing didn't take. Your skin color
I in no way defend their actions or their mission, but i feel really bad for what kind of abuse they had in their upbringing to completely destroy any semblance of identity they had except for what can be seen on the surface..
This is the kind of psyche destroying effect i've seen from people that were subjected to electroshock therapy during their formative years when they showed signs of being gay..

Just an example that comes to mind..
I wouldn't wish this level of abuse and dehumanizing action against even the worst of my enemies.

I'd wish this kind of trauma be done away with and never heard of or experienced by anyone ever again..
Their only "jokes" are threats or statements of hate against their enemies.

Their only joy is in watching or hearing about how much their perceived enemies suffer.

When you try to communicate with them, you really can't form any kind of a connection with them..
Being in a constant state of perceived conflict, their minds are 100% hyper-focused on using others to accomplish their mission. They have no actual personality to speak of. All that exists is the preservation of their kind.
Having spoken to/with several through various interactions through my job, i've come to a conclusion that is sure to confuse and be very controversial to many...

I think these people are examples of non-sapient/non-sentient humans.
They appear to only "feel" in regard to whether or not a statement or action is a threat to their overall mission to preserve their own kind.

Their only "interests" are in ways to eliminate their perceived foes.

There is no subjective identity to be had..
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