Some days what I see here goes beyond heartbreaking. Today was one of those days. I got a call from my friend, Putu and he said he'd heard a dog crying, so looked in the 2 foot deep gutter at the side of the road and there he was, this distressed dog, dragging himself along
with his hind legs dragging behind him, not an ounce of meat on his bones. He and his wife lifted him out and put him in the shade, gave him food and water and then called me. The poor little fella had dragged his back legs along so much that his tail and top of his feet
had worn away to the bone. I honestly cried when I saw him, he looked so skinny and scared. He tried to drag himself away a few times, but there's no way he was going anywhere but to the vets. It was so difficult getting him into Putu's car, because the poor thing was screaming
in agony. He was shaking violently all the way there and I truly thought he wasn't going to make it. On the table he just gave in and relaxed when the vet started treating his wounds. He had 2 injections for the pain, then everything cleaned thoroughly with alcohol and sprayed
with antiseptic spray, because the vet said he would 'get the maggots'. He's back home with me now, with antibiotics, vitamins and painkillers, also the antiseptic spray. The vet said he couldn't use his back legs because all the muscle had gone due to starvation. He's asleep
right now, calm and cosy. I'm feeding and giving him water from a big serving spoon because he can't get up to do it himself. Hopefully, he'll recover well, but I can't say for sure because he's so skinny. I'm doing my absolute best for him. I'll keep everyone updated on his
progress. This is exactly why I need donations and support. I'm just a person like anyone else, trying to do what I can for these dogs. It's hard and some days I think I just can't do it, there so many, it's too much and too heartbreaking and drains money like water running
from a tap and I'm begging constantly for help. I'm trying to keep on top of social media, emails, going out and feeding the countless street dogs, getting them help and trying to find people to look after them, checking up on them and keeping check on their med's. It's all
worth it and I won't give up. I've just had one of those days where it's almost over and I'm feeling emotionally drained and worried.

Please, PLEASE don't stop giving and sharing because without donations, without all the lovely messages of support I can't do this and
I truly have to do this, because if I don't lead this, no one else will. I can't bear to think of no one helping these dogs.

Sorry for the emotional thread. I'm so thankful to everyone who's supported me and the dogs and I promise I'll continue to do everything I can for as
many as I can 🐾🐶❤️

If you'd like to make a donation: 
You can support the dogs by pre-ordering a @SlendersherbetC calendar

Any amount helps and I'm grateful for every penny ❤️❤️❤️
You can follow @BaliAid.
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