I think the reason English people like Hamilton so much is that we don’t have that kind of story about the founding figures of national mythology.

I mean, an equivalent musical about Alfred the Great would have to go something like…
How does a high born Saxon, son of a King

And a Queen. Dropped in … a relatively well-populated region

of Wessex? And actually quite wealthy

Go on to be … King of Wessex?
The two-groat founding monarch who was a … monarch?

Got a lot farther by ... establishing a system of burhs which enabled for a more fortified & better coordinated defence against the Vikings whose raids were becoming increasingly problematic especially in the north of England.
Also there’d be a bit in the opening number where all the supporting cast stood up & said

Me, I was his subject
Me, I was his subject
Me, I was his subject
Me, I was also his subject
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