Mental Models 101 :

A thread with 10 questions that will change your life 👇
1/ Inversion

"What are the things I must AVOID to achieve this?"
2/ First Principles





3/ Feedback Loops

"How can the consequences of this decision come back to me?"
4/ Thought Experiments

"What will X cause to happen?"

"If X happens in one year, what would have caused it?"

"If Y happened instead of X, what would be the outcome?"
5/ Second-Order Effects

"And then what?"
6/ Regret Minimization

"If I was 80 years old today, would I regret having tried this?"
7/ Prioritization

"Which action should I do first?"
8/ Pareto Principle (80/20)

"Which are the 20% of the actions that can deliver 80% of the results?"
9/ Bottlenecks

"What step in the process is preventing the system to reach its full potential?"
10/ Occam’s Razor

"How can I simplify this?"
Thank you for making it all the way to the bottom!

Inspiration from @farnamstreet and @Julian approaches to mental models.
If you found value in it, please RT the first tweet to spread the knowledge🙏

Have a great day!

You can follow @DalosOrtiz.
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