Guess what?
-pronouns and gender-
-A thread ✨
You can have he/him pronouns and still be nonbinary.
You can she/her pronouns and still be nonbinary.
You can have they/them pronouns and not be nonbinary. +
You can have he/him pronouns and be a girl.
You can have she/her pronouns and be a boy.
You can have they/them pronouns and be a girl, boy, or everything in and out. +
Words can't make you a boy or a girl or even nonbinary. Sometimes I am a boy and sometimes I am a girl. Sometimes I am neither and sometimes I am both. I always use they/them pronouns because that is what makes me feel most comfortable. +
What pronouns you use does not dictate who you are. Words mean nothing to what is in the heart.
End thread 😌
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