I think we all critically underestimate the number of Christians-yes, including devout, vocal, conservative, professional Christians- who don't really know what the crucifixion and resurrection are and why it's part of Christian belief.
In popular teaching, the crucifixion and resurrection have pretty well been crowded out by "accepting Jesus," which you could easily do without even knowing Jesus was crucified. Same with believing Jesus "died for your sins," for which the resurrection is pretty extraneous.
I would have died before I admitted it, but I think for most of my young adult years I was completely confused by the crucifixion and resurrection. Most of what I heard about it didn't make any sense (turns out popular atonement theologies are v bad), and
- more to the point - the crucifixion and resurrection weren't actually informing anything we did in church anyway. Most of church was about defending "the Bible."
When folded into "the Bible," the most important thing there was to know about the crucifixion and resurrection were just the bare facts "they happened," which was also equally true and important of Mephibosheth breaking his legs and Eutychus falling out a window.
But the idea that the self-giving, self emptying incarnation of God in Jesus, culminating in his humiliating and self-sacrificing death and triumph over the grave and powers of evil was the most central part of the faith - I don't think I knew that.
I don't think *most* Christians know that. So anyway, if you come across that "Jesus is the ultimate capitalist" tweet (don't go looking for it, that's (almost) Dr. Laura's diagnosis.
You can follow @LauraRbnsn.
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