THREAD on the H1N1-COVID Comparison: 1/7
I've seen a lot of "H1N1 was awful & we didn't shut everything down" sentiments on social media recently in response to the CDC announcing the 94%-6% preexisting conditions/direct result thing.

Let's put this in perspective, shall we?
First: here's where you can read up on all things US response to H1N1. Note how we were ahead of the curve on everything, including starting work on a vaccine within a week or two of the first two confirmed cases.
Second & my biggest point: let's assume that the false claim of only 6% of COVID deaths total are "actually" from COVID**. That would mean that in 8 months, the death toll is "actually" 10,307-11,220. In 12 months, H1N1 killed 12,496.

**To be clear: this sentiment is false. All of the 170k-180k deaths are COVID deaths. To understand where the 94% and 6% numbers come from, look here:
So in 2/3 of the time, we are almost even with the year total of H1N1 deaths.

Now remember that 94% of deaths from COVID are in people with preexisting conditions that effect around 40% of the American population, with COVID exacerbating those conditions & causing death.
I guess what I'm trying to say is:
1) H1N1 was controlled better because it wasn't as inherently deadly and was dealt with by a competent government.
2) COVID is more dangerous than H1N1 and we need to take it seriously.
3) You should wear a mask and be smart.
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