1/ The same RedHat goons who believed every weird conspiracy about Obama, who would parse his words for secret codes, many of whom have jumped headfirst into the Q mystery cult that claims Democrats & actors are selling children for food... don't believe in science or the news
2/ They deny the news that Trump (ym'sh) calls military people losers & mocks the heroic dead... but they believe in Q. Even without names on record, we all know the dead-mocking is true b/c he's done it on camera for YEARS. The evidence of his low character is overwhelming!
3/ I emphasize their simultaneous (a) belief in depraved and impossible conspiracies & (b) denial of overwhelming evidence to the contrary b/c it shows their GOP support isn't intellectual, it's emotional. It's characteriological. It's (anti) ethical. It's their rotten identity
4/ So they believe - in contrast to the stunningly overpowering evidence that Trump (ym'sh) is a loathsome traitor - that he is a fine upstanding man.

It reminds me of Shoah-denial.

It's not about data, or facts. It's revelation that they are unfit for society.
5/ How can one deny the Shoah? Wouldn't they at least care that something that horrible happened?

No, b/c to accept the facts would harm them psychologically, so they hurt others in order to save their despicable egos

It's antagonistic selfishness. They're muggers of ethics.
6/ Muggers want to steal & do so with violence, terrorizing their victims. It's greed, but also abuse.

I described earlier why bravery is the highest of ideals, b/c w/o bravery, ideals disappear

Abusers are cowards. RedHats are *all* abusers or enablers https://twitter.com/JoshuaCypess/status/1268915477641867265
7/ To deny facts sounds like stupidity, but the pattern of facts show the unethical causes. They deny facts that *help* others, they embrace myths that help themselves.

E.g. the deny science (but believe Q?!) b/c they don't want to sacrifice their comfort for the sake of others.
8/ I know RedHats. Many are authoritarian types who like being in a hierarchy. They are either abusers or they are cowards who like the protection of the hierarchy... allowing them to passively wield power over others that they wouldn't otherwise
9/ The Q cult allows them to view everyone else as either complicit in cartoonish depravity or possessing secret facts that dummies like me don't have. They love it b/c it's secret, even stolen power.

The paradox of ignorant cowardice is the heart of their attachment to the cult
10/ They need to remain ignorant of the world's truth b/c their brittle egos couldn't survive sunlight. Subconsciously they know how bad they are, how bad their heroes are, and that drives them to deeper & squalid depths of delusion

That's the paradox of ignorant cowardice
11/ I started this thread to explain this moment: how the GOP could reject science, reject facts, reject news yet simultaneously believe in Q, believe that Trump (ym'sh) is a hero.

FoxNews deludes them, yes, but it's not enough. They gotta WANT it.
12/ So these cowards, these low people, cackle and exult that they have the power & secret knowledge. They love their place in the hierarchy, they need people like me to have their boots on my neck.

And they rightfully fear what will happen when their bubble bursts.
13/ But these cowards need to know: I am not them.

They want to believe everyone is a depraved greedy abuser - like they are, or aspire to be - but they also know that ppl like me love peace, life, justice & compassion. Sadly, many of them hate those things & hate me b/c of that
14/ They hate mercy. But I promise them, I won't treat them like they treat me. I can't. It would hurt my soul to be cruel. Maybe justice will *feel* cruel to them... maybe the clear revelation of their depravity, the exposure will torture them... but that's not my goal
15/ It's #Elul. #RoshHashana is coming. I will do my best to forgive my fellow frum Jews who're RedHats. It's gotten harder every year. But I promise them that I will celebrate their teshuva. We will celebrate their surrendering their avoda-zara, their worshiping an evil traitor
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