Trump is a serial liar & @JeffreyGoldberg is one of the planet's most unreliable reporters, having played the leading role - when agitating for invading Iraq -- in convincing Americans that Saddam was allied with Al Qaeda & radical Muslims had invaded the US & South America.
A major reason the war in Iraq happened is because a huge majority of Americans were deceived into believing that Saddam was in league with 9/11.

Jeffrey Goldberg was the reporter most responsible for this lie.
But like all journalists who loyally defend US wars & foreign policy, Goldberg magically fell upward (not despite his propagandistic lies but because of them). He's now responsible for the careers & paychecks of journalists so they pretend this never happened & that he's reliable
It's obviously believable Trump said this, but the last person I'd trust to interpret is Goldberg. Why aren't these brave sources willing to speak publicly? And why is Goldberg's neocon colleague coyly implying who the source is (now deleted)?
Oh, and finally: I think political leaders, not soldiers, should bear the primary blame for the mass murder from unjust wars, but dropping bombs on North Koreans 24 times doesn't make one noble or a "real man":
Obviously meant "dropping bombs on North Vietnamese" here
The fetishizing of "The Troops" in US discourse has always been creepy. This compelled veneration is supposed to be compensation for elites treating them like shit: sending them to die in pointless wars & giving them few benefits afterward. Remember this controversy? 👇
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