If you can't tell, I have been burned hella bad by Trumpers- A Thread
I had a girlfriend for 10 years, super daddy issues, has a bf who is 20 years older & cheats on him w/guys her age, became a Trumper because of him, & called me retarded for liking Bernie. But she has dem views
I had a best friend since high school for 13 years, she moved to NC and became a Marine. We kept in touch the whole time. Her husband was accelerating his abuse, this year I found out he murdered her last November. One of her Marine friends became my friend and is how I found out
He is a super Trump supporter, but we had some good debates & he was pretty cool. Until, he started spouting Q-Anon conspiracies, calling me a sheep, saying he respects my science knowledge but then not listening. I couldn't handle it after he said he doesn't wear a mask.
The mutual friend that was murdered, my girl from HS, she was part way through medical school. I yelled at him "SARAH WOULD HAVE WORN A MASK! DO IT FOR HER!" I gave up. I got too tired of being insulted when I'm told I'm respected; not to mention, he was insulting her honor.
The worst though, my father. He is 75, good ol boy, former Navy Air Craft Mechanic, was on an aircraft carrier fixing jets during Vietnam, I thought he was honorable, respectable. He brought me up saluting John McCain, and my fathers father, was a POW in Burma during WWII.
Wouldn't my grandfather be ashamed now.
My father and I have always had opposing views on politics as I got older, but I am an independent. I've always made up my own mind, and that's why he hates me, because he couldn't take over my ability to think for myself.
He also has always hated my maternal side of the family because they are *very* liberal, and he is *very* republican. They have always butted heads. My dad is also a dick and has been emotionally and mentally abusive to me my whole life and my aunts did not appreciate that shit!
So, when my father moved to SC about 6 years ago from up here in MA where I am, and Trump came along, we would argue on the phone over it. Non stop. I decreed that we not talk about politics if we were to maintain a familial relationship with one another due to the distance.
Time after time, I had to tell him to please stop, Please Stop, PLEASE STOP! When you have to yell FUCKING STOP when you call him for his birthday, you start to feel like your relationship is not as important as his freedom of speech.
So much so, that when he was coming up for a couple weeks after not seeing him for around 4 years at this point, it was thanksgiving 2018, I asked the night before he was to fly up to please avoid politics at thanksgiving so we can have a nice day and I can see him.
You'd think as a father, who hasn't seen his daughter in 4 years, that he would avoid that 1 TOPIC to have a nice time with her right? NOPE! He screamed into the phone, AND I QUOTE!
"FREEDOM OF SPEECH" & hung up the phone on me. Needless to say I didn't go to Thanksgiving 2018.
I also have to mention that I know how cults work, I have studied them extensively on a psychological, criminality, & sociological level.
When my dad denigrated his lifetime of opinion, honor, & respect for McCain because TRUMP SAID SO, I realized this is the start of a cult
When my friend Sarah died, & I tried to keep friends with her buddy, & it went for a while but then started spouting Q-Anon shit, calling me a sheep, & downing my knowledge of science & medicine because TRUMP SAID SO, I know this is a cult.
And lastly, when a friend of 10 years, who yes has daddy issues & probably only backs Trump because her 53 year old bf does, regardless that she actually holds views that are democratic, will vote for him again because TRUMP SAID SO, we are in the MIDDLE of Political Cultism.
So when anybody asks me why I can't talk to Trumpers, I think there is sufficient evidence in this thread as to why I can't. They are mentally & emotionally draining to me, & I will not let them even TRY! I know who I am. I don't need to be abused to prove anything to anyone. ✊
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