ADHD hack megathread!!

here's the thread i've been talking about making!! it's got a whole bunch of ideas from ADHD and neurodivergent twitter about how to make life just a tad easier, thanks so much to everyone who's added to it so far!! i hope it's useful :)
ADHD friendly meals + general food hacks
ADHD hygiene + self care hacks
ADHD work + school hacks
not a thread i was planning on adding but here is a thread of music ideas for concentrating purposes!
ADHD organisation + housekeeping hacks
ADHD parenting hacks
(i will be adding to this as and when i think of more hack suggestions so if you have any requests, drop them here or dm me)
You can follow @kazADHD.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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