Russia just published the results of its Phase I/II COVID-19 vaccine trial - first clinical trial data on the vaccine thus far.

Key points:
1- published in The Lancet, int'l peer-reviewed journal
2- jab created immune response at 1.5 times of someone who was sick with covid
3- also produced T-cell response which could give longer-term immunity
4- immune response seen in 100% of trial participants
5- trial involved 76 people, 38 of them received the two-shot jab which is the main one Russia is marketing
6- the vaccine is based on Ad5 and Ad26 adenovirus - two strains of common cold, to which lots of people already have immunity. But Russia says Ad5 given in strong enough dose to overcome this, and two-shot jab helps (Ad26 much rarer as a virus, less people have been exposed)
7- no serious side effects noted
8- we don't know anything about efficacy yet. as in, how much less likely you are to catch coronavirus with the jab than without it. we'll find this out after a Phase III trial (russia running one w 40,000 people, about 3,000 already subscribed)
9- initial results of this Phase III trial due in Oct-Nov; for context health ministry has said will start vaccinating Russian public/high risk groups (separately from a trial) in Nov-Dec
10- will also publish results in Sept of pre-clinical trial (on animals)
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