A perfect opportunity to test some of the ideas I wrote about here. It shouldn’t be a total non-story that literally everything Trump says in trying to appeal to voters is an egregious lie. https://us19.campaign-archive.com/?u=8855a23519ab892dfe2cd34f6&id=b9e4673ec5 https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/1301724853800665093
See, I think it’s an extremely important point, part and parcel of the larger story, which is that Trump’s appeal to military families is a lie and and he in fact disdains them. https://twitter.com/samstein/status/1301712507812360195?s=20
More generally, I think it’s completely insane that Trump tells these demonstrably false lies about literally everything and it’s just treated as background noise, rather than treated with the alarm it deserves.
If in 2012 Obama had abruptly started telling seniors he was responsible for creating Medicare Part D, it would’ve been astonishing.

If he was in court trying to conceal years of tax returns from prosecutors, the “what is he hiding???” drumbeat would’ve been relentless.
I know, and have written over and over again, that Democrats feed this imbalance by not beating the drums themselves, the way Republicans would, but we as journalists don’t need permission from one of the parties to be astonished and fixed on something.
Set aside everything in Goldberg’s piece, for instance, and think of this: Trump is trying to attract votes from military veterans by telling them he signed a bill that created a benefit for them that a different president actually signed. What the hell?! That is ludicrous.
It says ~something~ about national political journalism that Trump told that one lie dozens and dozens of times before a reporter on the White House beat asked him about it (and he walked away).
In a report leading with Trump’s non-credible denial, the Times asserts that Trump has made “veterans care [a] pillar[] of his campaign,” without even a passing note that the main appeal on this score (that he “signed veterans‘ choice) is an outright lie. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/04/us/politics/trump-veterans-losers.html#click=https://t.co/MiusvliVYa
This is a really welcome challenge to the press from Biden, along the lines of this week’s newsletter, but hopefully just a start. Trump is a fraud, his whole campaign is built on defrauding the public. https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1301942139769716738
Seems like there should be some accounting in the press for the fact that the incumbent president's re-election pitch is false in every particular. https://twitter.com/brianbeutler/status/1303441902059094016
Yes, this is false, but what’s truly remarkable is that every part of Trump’s pitch to voters is based on a lie about himself or Biden or both. https://twitter.com/mkraju/status/1303474633732231178
Every appeal to voters, across all facets of policy and culture, is a straight up lie. https://twitter.com/AkbarSAhmed/status/1303351950013018112
The first part happens before the election, the second part happens after, because Trump is completely committed to the defrauding voters bit. https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1303678266465804289
This, at least, is a long-standing, all-of-party Republican lie, not unique to Trump. But the pattern is unmistakable. https://twitter.com/zekejmiller/status/1303689411087998976
There’s one wrinkle to Trump’s budget lying. Smart bet is GOP leaders just let him steal money for 4 more years then try to extort a future Dem POTUS to gut Medicare, but if Trump wasn’t lying about this, he’d just be reviving his other false promise to leave entitlements alone.
Fauci gets it. Everything is a lie because the only thing that he cares about is re-election, and he has a dismal record and nothing to offer that’s both constructive and real.
Occasionally he’ll say something about, like, judges that isn’t totally fictional, but that’s about it.
A government-wide conspiracy to abet Russian interference in the election on Trump’s behalf, and deceive the public into thinking other governments are the real culprits, and working to help Biden. Lies all the way down. https://twitter.com/nycsouthpaw/status/1303767267654631429
It’s this ethic—say whatever you think you have to say to prevail or get out of a jam—applied to a national referendum on his presidency. That’s why every facet of the re-election message is dishonest. https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/1303780815457972224
Sounds like there may be documentary evidence here, too. https://twitter.com/AlexWardVox/status/1303856649615167488
Another plea to voters, another straight up lie. How ‘bout that! Almost like there’s a pattern here... https://twitter.com/daveweigel/status/1304206529428586500
Woo! https://twitter.com/PhilipRucker/status/1304241591700402177
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