‼️i called her the "unofficial" leader because obviously, there is no official leader in blackpink. this whole thread is solely based off of my personal opinion/observation and is in no way meant to offend you or your fave, if you disagree then click out :)
1. jennie was supposed to debut as pinkpunk's leader right from the start, i think that in itself confirms her role.
2. every blackpink members have said that jennie taught them so many things from singing, dancing, to managing their privacy before they even debuted. she definitely plays the role of a reliable leader.
3. jennie is the longest running trainee, she said it herself that she was the one who took incharge of forming a group after seeing several trainees give up. in short, jennie formed blackpink and is leading them up until now.
4. a leader is the one incharge of decision-making and organization within the group, in blackpink's case, it is jennie. she also knows their image and concept well, she is the definition of blackpink.
5. here's what i meant when i said decision-making and organization:
6. creativity is also one way to identify a leader, most of the leaders in many kpop groups either write, produce, and choreograph for the group as well. jennie is the most active member when it comes to creatively participating on their songs.
7. in order to be a leader, trust and faith from your members are important. the pinks have been very vocal about how they rely so much on jennie it shows how responsible and caring she is.
8. backstage/onstage and oncam/offcam jennie never forgets to show gratitude to all the people working with them behind the scenes, this is such a trait of a leader, making sure to build a good relationship with your co-workers.
9. she cares so much about her fans, always being vocal about how much she loves and appreciates us. she's always the one giving spoilers and assuring us everytime they have a new release, basically something a leader would do.
10. jennie has such a positive and beautiful mindset, and i think it's a very important aspect in leading and being incharge of the group.
11. jennie has been through constant sh!t and pressure but that doesn't stop her from being SELFLESS. always thinking about her members before her own.
+ clips of jennie radiating leader energy
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