Muhammad ibn Musa Khwarizmi (Al-Khwarizmi/Algorithmi) the great #Persian Muslim mathematician of the celebrated Golden Era. Born and brought up in Khiva, modern day #Uzbekistan, #CentralAsia; he later moved to the Abbasid 'House of Wisdom' in Baghdad.
Even though, Diophantus of Alexandria, a Greek/Egyptian mathematician too is credited with discovering Algebra, it was Khwarizmi's contributions on emerging #Mathematics of that time that truly sets him apart.
The term #Algebra itself, is derived from his famous book, "al-Kitāb al-mukhtaṣar fi ḥisab al-jabr wal-muqabala". The words 'algorism' & 'algorithm' are inspired from his name (al-Khwarizmi). Along with #Spanish term for 'digit' - Guarismo
But perhaps his greatest achievement was the introduction of #Indian decimal system to the western world. His 12th century book"Kitab al hisab al hindi" was translated and main textbook in universities all over Europe, as late as the 17th century.
However, most of his notable contributions didn't survive through in their original forms. The Arabic versions mostly remain lost, but Latin translations by later philosophers like Al-Majriti and Adelard, of Bath, survived to modern day and kept in various museums in Europe.
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