There have been so many times I have wanted to post something on here, but this platform is so unbelievably toxic that I would be ruined for it. I try so hard to be cordial and open a dialogue (and I appreciate all the people who participate in it in a kind manner).
But people can be so rash and mean for no reason. Recent posts have been met with a more and more negative response, discounting my opinions, or the mere act of asking a question due to my position in society and what I do for a living.
I do play video games for a living, but does that mean I am a millionaire? No, I am definitely not wealthy by any means. I do count myself as incredibly fortunate though. On every topic I discuss I try to be as objective, and as well informed as possible.
and when I ask questions it is to further my understanding of subjects in which I feel I am lacking in knowledge. Take for instance, my recent question about communism. I have read a fair bit of Marx (Das Kapital and The Manifesto).
I disagree with most things about the theory outside of a good amount of the issues with capitalism which were observed by Marx. Yet, even though I cannot agree with the communist on principle, I wanted to learn more and have a discussion to hopefully bridge a gap.
Many responses I received were positive, but as mentioned previously, a ton were dismissive and unjustifiably aggressive, especially with those who quote retweeted. I am so sick of how horrible people on this platform are to others who disagree with them on political theory.
This is also made evident on those who would in many respects agree with me. They would oftentimes reply to people kindly responding to my tweet with insults towards the person's intelligence or morals. Its disgusting.
Beyond this, I have to plan out every single word I say excruciatingly carefully, or else I will have my head put on a Pike. Back on the SMP live reunion stream TED had said something about saying ACAB and I simply replied no. This soon spiraled out of control.
People called me a bootlicker based on nothing but a single word, and I had to go out of my way to defend myself over something that should have carried no weight whatsoever. Also the amount of hate I got for my "Founding Fathers Shrine" was also ridiculous.
I don't think it is radical to not want to make jokes about contemporary politics on stream, nor do I think it is radical to love your country and to celebrate a holiday. I don't think it is radical to inquire about the political beliefs of others.
There are so many things I would love to talk about on this account, so many things I would love to discuss. I don't think my political beliefs are radical whatsoever, and I think people would generally think so to. However, there is something wrong with this platform.
I've decided it would be in my best interest to keep my opinions to myself, or at least keep my sharing of them to a minimum. I appreciate those who have supported me in my endeavors (both those who agree and disagree with me). Idk what I'll post on here if anything. We'll see.
Sorry for the rant, I'm tired and should sleep, rest well friends
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