React JS roadmap(Simple):-

A thread 📚👇
Skills you must know before you start learning react -

â—Ź HTML and CSS
â—ŹJavascript & XML
â—ŹES6 and DOM manipulation
â—ŹPackage manager node & npm.
Beginner >

1) Create-React-App
2) Functional and class component.
3) JSX
4) Props and states
5) Basic hooks dealing with functional and class component.
6)Conditional Rendering
7)Lists and keys
9)Building Simple forms
By the time you will have all fundamental knowlege and now you can make some projects.
Intermediate >

1) Context
2) High order component and prop.
3) Refs and Error Binding
4) Portals
5) HTTP Requests
6) High level hooks.
By now, you have covered all the topics which is needed to make a good application.
Once again,
Don't stop building.
Advance >

1) State management(Redux)
2) Routing
3) Styling
4) Testing
Now, you are ready to build any web applications, control state management and many more.
Just don't skip any step.
Later on this month I will elaborate every thread.
You can follow @souvision.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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