I’ve had one of those moments tonight where the puzzle pieces have come together to the point where the bigger picture is revealing itself. Its where things once thought unrelated are becoming linked. We have come to a place in our country where division and intolerance is...
...greater then I've ever seen it before. There seems no way humanly possible to stop the inevitable conflict sure to arise after the election, especially in light of the great polarization of the two parties and the declared intentions and war game planning of the Democrats...
...to contest the election. On top of that we are seeing the biggest concerted information warfare operation ever perpetrated against a sitting US President, by a massive coalition of Newspapers, Cable News, Magazines, Social Media, Big Tech, and Democrat Politicians at all...
...levels of government. Add to that we have seen months of rioting by a mix of anarchist, Marxist, black separatist, and other left wing groups all loosely working together to create chaos in American cities. We also have seen Democrat Mayors and Governors cripple small...
...businesses and their own economies with excessive lock downs exceeding even CDC recommendations for a disease that now appears to be largely less fatal the common flu. All of this has been an effort to hurt @realDonaldTrump chances at reelection. Then the news came out this...
...week that Chinese Navy has surpassed the US Navy and the lights went off. This whole thing is a distraction fueled by Chinese Communist Party operatives. Their 20 year plan I was briefed on 20 years ago to the year at US domination has begun to take shape. I would not doubt...
...that even COVID-19 (a.k.a. CCP virus) and the response by WHO was a planned event designed to cripple the US economy and its ability to respond to what is coming. China has increased every aspect of their military. They have violated autonomy agreements with Hong Kong. They...
...have built islands in the South China Sea to dominate shipping lanes in international waters. They has been hacking US defense contractors stealing our military technology, hacking US medical and genetic data identifying American health weaknesses. They have been probing...
...our infrastructure finding the chinks in our armor all the while indoctrinating our youth and the American people to accept and prefer socialism through our Universities and media & entertainment outlets. If I am correct, I expect at the height of the chaos following the...
...electing, China will invade Taiwan. That action has the potential to drive us into a full blown war due to existing defensive pacts we have with Taiwan, but the CCPs plan is to have us crippled, too busy fighting each other. There are many wealthy elites in both US politics...
...and US Corporations who have been making secret financial deals with the CCP to score big in Chinese markets after the revolution in exchange for their help now creating the chaos. So what do we do about it? This is almost insurmountable due to the level of coordination and...
...planning, but we have something they do not. We have a powerful God who hears our prayers. We still have freedom of speech and the right to bare arms in this country. They are trying to silence us through censorship, cripple our personal defenses through excessive gun laws,...
...make us financially dependent on them by wrecking the economy with the business shutdowns, and destroy our faith in God by shuttering our churches. Yes, we need to vote. Yes we need to arm ourselves. Yes we need to protest the shutdown, but greater the all of these we need...
...to pray for a miracle. Trump must win by such a landslide that even their cheating in the election will fail to cause doubt of Trumps legitimacy. We need to pray that God will expose all those who are secretly working with our enemies. God is able to do anything and He is...
...waiting for us, as it says in 2 Chronicles 7:14, to humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, and He will forgive our sin and will heal our land.
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