Q*ao Collective claims to have "ethnic Chinese diaspora" from Taiwan writing for them and this...is the level of dreck they come up with?

Sadly maybe on par with what a lot of "ethnic Chinese diaspora" think about Taiwan - and what appeals to a subset of western leftists, too.
Can't keep track of the # of "ethnic Chinese diaspora" who

a) had chosen not to live in China
b) were several generations removed from China
c) had never visited or studied Taiwan

but told me "Taiwan belongs to China".

This is poisonous racist ideology of the lowest order.
It's higher but only slightly than the # of non-"ethnic Chinese diaspora" who

a) had never visited or studied Taiwan
b) only knew TW through a KMT lens

and told me "Taiwan belongs to China"

At least "ethnic Chinese diaspora" have the excuse of family or gov't indoctrination
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