now let’s get this thread started on miss numbers over members aka @retrozones
so to start off let’s talk about how in her venture to kickstart the 7 million preorders idea she went about contacting multiple big accounts to spread the message which was all fine until talks began of add bora ( @modooborahae) into the mix
and if you don’t know why that’s an issue than here
so after making this tweet initially people went to inform her about how bora is very much a jimin anti and not someone you would want to work with considering her track record
and after being told this multiple times alasia ( @retrozones) tried to play it off as an “using the enemy for our gain” type of moment which failed miserably as people once again informed her of how many other people would be able to help or bridge the gap
and after once again ignoring everyone’s concern and rightful callouts she tweeted this which.... did not help her case at all bc she basically just pulled a bora in this situation lol because who in there right mind would willing work with an anti for the sake of the boys
from the start had she said this was to feed her own ego maybe we wouldn’t have got to this place
but after being called out she finally said she had cut ties with bora for this project but that was not the truth at all
in her pinned tweet with the 2020 comeback goals bora is listed as the top translator and alasia frequently quotes and interacts with bora to this day
not to mention many people in that friend circle also often interact with bora to no one else’s surprise
and now today she wants to essentially trash all the boys hard work for a hit tweet
while you may have varying opinions on music the way she phrased it very much reads like an antis tweet in the way she completely disregards the work that went into that album
not to mention she goes on to trash every song that’s not a solo as well as if these songs can easily just be tossed aside as if the album is trash
very surprising behavior from someone who claims to be so ot7 and doing things for the boys would go out of their way to trash their hard work and efforts ya they put into wings for a few likes on twitter dot com....
not to mention alasia (who is straight) seemingly wants to make jokes and laugh about lgbt fans who called her out on her distasteful tweets 😐
and well that’s the end of this thread be careful who you put all your trust into for these goals and such because in reality they don’t care about the boys as much as they care about their own selfish needs and wants
and one last thing alaisia ( @retrozones) did NOT come up with the 7 million preorder goal that idea has been floating around for years at this point and for her to act as if she pioneered this entire concept is just so laughable
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