Big Brother is ten times as hard for black players but they are criticized more heavily for their game play.

People like to say black players...have bad game play but don’t realize how complex their games have to be.... #BB22
Let’s be real. We always say all the minorities should stick together but if the POC aren’t the same race they may have a harder time bonding than the 12 white people in the house... who are all white and will quickly find a bigger group of white people to allign... #bb22
....people to allign with. If there are 12 white people. You can find at least six you can allign and get along with EASIER bc the pool is bigger. POC in Big Brother have a SMALLER pool and are basically FORCED to work together. White players get to PICK who they work with #BB22
That’s why often times POC try to allign with the white alliance bc they are not only bigger they have the pick of the group. But to advance through the game they have to make a choice between floating or aligning with the majority alliance.

Now if they allign with.... #bb22
... if they allign with the majority they have to make sure the majority alliance is comforatable and thag oftentimes involves putting on a front so the alliance feels comfortable. That means watching words, energy, and taking more insults than a white player would... #bb22
... now how is a black player or a POC supposed to be successful in BB if they have to navigate all that #BB22
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