On ministers picking on young women.

Earlier this year I was in Sabah on an official visit with @GobindSinghDeo. I was listening intently, taking notes when an older woman took the mic and asked him why he had chosen me as an advisor cos she didn't know me and I wasn't smiling.
My immediate reaction was to burst out laughing cos it was funny lah. People in the room were aghast but YB @GobindSinghDeo was a class act. He didn't have to but he apologised and took the fall cos the visit to Sabah took so long. He pretty much took the bullet for me.
I'm not very good in official situations, govt things but that year as a govt advisor was a great learning experience. During meetings, YB @GobindSinghDeo would bring the subject back to Internet connectivity in Sabah and Sarawak. Internet had to be cheap, accessible to all b40s.
This is not an endorsement of his party or politics but of what I observed of Gobind's leadership style then. He was always present when talking to people, he'd try to remember names, establish eye contact and he listens intently. He also writes his own notes.
I work in a male dominated industry. I'm either fascinated or put off by dudes. I rate listening as a high priority when it comes to male leadership cos some guys just don't. Mistakes happen when people want to dominate any conversation just because. It's unproductive.
There's something about the status quo that often becomes deaf or immune to the problems of others because they can't get past their positions of privilege. I was prescient to the fact that Gobind was Malaysia's first Sikh minister. "How belated," I thought but also, how cool.
There is something about people who know what it's like to not be listened to that they become more empathic and compassionate. They most certainly don't call out young indigenous women and accuse them of being hoaxes in Parliament when they're not there to defend themselves.
When @veveonah first went viral, she wasn't asking for help. She was showing how she solved her issues her way. There were also other students in Keningau who built a sulap on top of a hill for the same reasons. I live in KK and my Internet is too weak for me to do work properly.
Policies often fail cos there is a limited amount of time to push them through. Someone was already doing the work to resolve Internet issues till this coup came and potong jalan. For what? So Malaysians everywhere have to bear witness to fragile male egos on loudspeaker? 🙄
Point is, you don't become a leader cos you put yourself in power. Good leaders are those who find value in people who are more vulnerable than them, who'll uplift them with respect.

So Zahidi, take note. I hope you're listening now. Maybe you'd even learn something.

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