This is a random thread talking about the Daphne scene from the recent Re:Zero ep. I love the dutch angle used when Daphne asks what Subaru wants, it creates uneasiness and suffocates him in the frame, then Daphne proceeds to occupy the entire frame to show her immense presence.
The body language here, Subaru leaning back as this restrained witch is leaning forward, we as the audience can already identify Daphne as a force to be reckoned with despite her being contained and Subaru is seemingly frightened.
There is never a frame where Daphne doesn't tower over Subaru. This is menacing, and, once again, the dutch angle is used to make this already menacing encounter seem even more uneasy. She's spouting a truthful statement yet it's very jarring to hear from a human's perspective.
I want to note that the color purple is associated with power! When you think of royalty, one of the first, if not the first color one thinks of is purple. This color works perfectly for Daphne as she's someone who seemingly appears powerful based on this interaction alone!
I found it hard to disagree with Daphne here when she mentioned how the "Great Rabbit" can multiply and thus feed an enormous amount of people. It's a very truthful statement without much thought put into its execution in terms of making sure other people remain safe.
The sounds of the legs hitting the ground grabs your attention, Daphne moving towards Subaru as she says her lines, completely overtaking the entire background, is haunting. Her looking down on Subaru with her mouth open, as an embodiment of gluttony, makes him look inferior.
Despite her taking up minimal space, it's still enough to make Subaru look frightened! Also, her statement about gluttony seems really interesting, we always think about eating since we're beings on top of the food chain, but we never think about being eaten!
The mouth eats, communicates, breathes, it is the ultimate part of the body that allows us to exist and interact. We never see Daphne's eyes or any movements aside from her mouth, we feel uneasy based on her mouth and words, that's how powerful she is.
To further this notion on how powerful Daphne is only based on her mouth alone, we have a tilt down from her covered eyes to her mouth. We literally don't need anything else but her mouth to mesmerize us with her statements.
Subaru sweating by asking this question further proves how, despite Daphne being restrained and unable to harm Subaru, Daphne still has the power to invoke terror into Subaru. Her presence alone is quite powerful, gotta shoutout her VA, Nao Toyama, for doing an excellent job!
We can see more of Subaru's fear here! I tried to pick images that emphasized this, but you can clearly see Subaru's eyes fluctuating in seize as Daphne's shadow casts over him. While maintaining this air of confidence he's still frightened because he feels fearful of Daphne.
I just love how this yawn draws attention to only Daphne and Daphne alone. This once again reinforces how she's in control, she chooses what she wants to say and when she wants to end, not Subaru.
MY MC!!!
Even though he's suffocated in the frame, Subaru still says that he's going to destroy the beasts that Daphne created. I really like the lighting here, especially the shadow on Daphne's mouth, it just makes her quote all the more menacing and creates more tension!
Anyways, not my best analysis, but this was one I definitely enjoyed writing! There's a lot more I could've said but this is enough for now! As always, I love y'all and thank you for reading this far!
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