Do you ever just... get tired of being surrounded by negative self talk? Like, does it ever reach a point for you where if you hear one more person respond with "guess i'll just die" you'll fuckin lose it? this is mostly me musing out loud but ive been thinking a lot about
how negative self talk impacts me and my mental health. like, being surrounded online by people who catastrophize publicly and being around groups of people who only know how to cope with stress by talking about k*lling themselves in a jokey way or whatever. like... doesnt that
get old? dgmw i do understand that for a lot of people, this is just the best they can do to cope. but at what point does it no longer act as a form of therapy and instead becomes an echo chamber of ennui and nihilism? like, i cant imagine anyone being cool with that just
being their permanent state of being, but it sort of seems that it is, for a lot of people? I dunno. I guess it's hard for me to cope with that kind of thing personally. I don't understand "dark" humour. It freaks me out and makes me sad and there's already so much of that in the
world, you know? I wish there was a way to express this more eloquently. i'm definitely not saying everyone should just buck up and try to be positive bc lord knows THAT is a crock of shit when youre feeling depressed and low and anxious, but like, i dunno. at some point i feel
like doubling down into negative mindsets and dissociative nihilism is... probably, on the whole, not great? i wish there was a more tactful way to address this whole thing. I wish it were more common for folks to be honest about their feelings and i wish that
reaching out for support was a more widely accepted thing. It is suicide prevention month, so i guess this thread is kinda warranted. on the whole ig what im saying is that instead of retreating inward and telling some jokes about how you hate yourself/your art/you wanna die
try reaching out to a friend or to your social media platform for support instead. like, i dunno. being vulnerable is fucking hard but sometimes it's the healthier option, mentally speaking.
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