This woman’s a shill for one of the most insidious publications working against vulnerable people. Qu*lette is propaganda for Peter Th*el who created & runs AI biometric data collection that flags authorities to SW’ers at borders & immigrants anywhere for ICE.
I shit you not & Ive seen people from that particular publication attempt to ruin activists & journalists speaking out against them. Be very careful with keywords you use in regards to them - trust me on this one, please. This may be a honeypot.
If you don’t know who Peter Th*el is, or have questions about whether or not he supports SW’ers he founded PayP*l.
Hi, I’m Anna & pushing the narrative of trafficking is something I’m paid to do by my reptilian overlord, Peter Th*il who has a HUGE government contract to use AI to collect & parse biometric data of its own citizens, immigrants, and SW’ers.
In an effort to soften our image & gain public & politcal support for our project ($$$), we need a boogey man & victims (enter trafficking). Our role in putting children in cages who are fleeing horrid circumstances just isn’t something most people can get behind.
Oh, and they had access to all of Amazon’s data too - don’t engage that woman. These people are dangerous as fuck.
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