SDRA2 THREAD: (pinning it here for my own reference)
1. Nikei Yomiuri
2. Emma Magorobi
3. Hajime Makunouchi
4. Syobai Hashimoto
5. Yuki Maeda
tw//Sdra2 CH4 SPOILERS

That's right, I am a Nikei simp hehe
And I have loads to say about Nikei:
I am shocked about his reveal of being an unsympathetic and selfish bastard in CH4, in contrast to the cute baby boy I know in the past chapters➡️
I know there are ppl who don't like him for it,➡️ but for me, this makes his character become much more interesting and impactful. Let's be real, he will be more forgettable and boring w/o that twist in CH4. I don't see being an innocent and kind baby boy makes him➡️
interesting(except for his design). I am actually glad that he is a void since it is an important role in the game. Ofc, I am not justifying his actions in CH4, what he did is terrible and I cannot forgive him for causing Shinji's death. Nonetheless, Nikei is still my no.1 fav➡️
Honestly, Nikei is the main reason why CH4 is heartbreaking, amazing and insane(Teruya's madness, murder case, the tower of Babel madness were all caused by him)
TBH, he kinda deserved to get his hand used for murder and then blow up cos he is damn irrational➡️
at the end of the trial and was the one who plan this case, however I am still heartbroken by his death(He got done dirty cos of that shitty rule!!!)
~I will try to analyse his character deeper and talk about it later in this thread~
His character can be pretty complex imo
P.S: Rip poor innocent Shinji, another one of the best bois and heroes T_T
And even tho what Nikei did was more terrible than Sora, it does not change the fact that Sora intended to kill Shinji and what Sora is wrong. I heartily agree with Yoruko at the end of trial 4
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