@HEYimHeroic (marking this as a reply so it doesn't appear on the main tl)

i am blown away. an incredible thread that i'm sure 12th had to overcome many mental hurdles to be able to post this. https://twitter.com/Placed12th/status/1301681398428905474
i wanna talk a bit more on how i relate to this, but first: i'm *not* trying to make this about me. i'm just saying that i understand how absolutely shitty it feels to be in her situation, since.. well, i've been in a pretty similar one myself.
so, some of you may know who i'm talking about immediately. some of you don't, that's okay, because i know that if i try to make any sort of statement against the Asshat again then i'll be met with the same response she gave the last 2 times and her 200k 12 y/os will listen.
but i do want to touch on how i relate to her thread. i know exactly how 12th felt, and it is fucking bad. it's honestly one of the worst feelings in the world. i hated it, and i guarantee 12th hated it just as much.
obviously our situations aren't the *exact* same; i'm not sure i was "groomed" per-se, but it's clear 12th was, and at least from what i read it seems to me she felt a very similar feeling to what i felt.
so many Asshat fans asked me "why are you bringing this up now?" "what's the point? this happened some time ago" but like... sure, krazy might be able to push it to the side. Asshat might be able to push it to the side. but it stuck with 12th. and it stuck with me.
again, i'm trying my best to make this not feel like i'm making this about myself, and more like how i'm seeing the situations reflect in similarities - but considering i have no presence in either of these communities nor have i interacted with either, that's kinda what it seems
those two might not have to deal with it, but that doesn't mean 12th didn't. 12th's thread puts the feelings i felt into strong words. i have trouble articulating my feelings and thoughts into words - that's why i talk so much - but 12th put everything i wanted to say into words.
12th mentioned that she essentially snapped, and that was the main reason she posted the thread when she did. i know that feeling too well.
some of the things krazy said in 12th's thread are literally near copy/paste things i was told by the Asshat. i understand how 12th feels, and i hate that, because it's not a feeling i'd wish others to experience.
i hope this thread and break is what 12th needs to get closure. i really, really do, because that was the one thing i was unable to get in my threads. i would post a thread, and closure would come for a few days at most, until Asshat made another thread basically+
+using and saying all the same tactics and phrases she said to me privately to convince her 200k devoted fans that i'm some evil villain actively trying to ruin Asshat.
and it fucking sucks, because it looks like 12th is getting the exact same response that i got, with fans of krazy brushing it off as nothing, and replying with krazy's response as if it was a valid rebuttal when it hardly shows he even read the damn thing.
and yes, i'm fully aware one of Asshat's friends are gonna see this and see it as an attack on Asshat, send it to Asshat, i'll be blamed yet again for [???] and history will repeat itself for the third time... but i wanted to get this off my chest.
not even the specifics of Asshat's thing (i could make a thread about that again but i mention in tweet 3 why there's no point) but just how i felt. and that i'm terribly sorry 12th is feeling the same. it just sucks. there's nothing good about this, and any time closure is+
+attempted it just immediately gets shut down by the other person and you end up feeling like shit all over again.
i sincerely hope that this break is what 12th needs. i really, honestly do, there's nothing more i want for her right now. NONE of this is fun for anyone, and the fact the other person makes it look like they're being attacked for no reason and the victim is somehow getting a+
+kick out of this is honestly disgusting. i genuinely hope 12th continues to heal and can move past this one day.
one more time, i know this looks shitty, and that i'm making 12th's situation about myself instead of the person actively coming out of this and being brave enough to talk about it. i know, and i tried my best not to, but the similarities were just too prevalent for me to not at+
+least mention that i know how she's feeling and it is not good. i'm not in either person's community circle, i've never interacted with either, and because of that, yea it looks like all i'm doing is making her situation about me - i'm trying my best to avoid that.
please send some comfort to 12th - i know she's taking a break right now but i'm sure it'll be nice to look at when she gets back who knows when. i guess what i'm trying to say is i'm glad (and sad) i'm not alone on this, and i hope 12th knows she's not alone either.

fuck i just saw the reply thing at the beginning of this didn't work
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