Completed Kenja no Mago. 4/10. Watched this show on a whim, and it s exactly what I expected: Vapid, empty and generic media detritus. I know 4 is an offensively high score for this piece of shit show but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it somewhat
I feel like giving this cancer some genuine criticism is like losing some of my dignity as a human, because it just doesn't deserve the effort, but I need to somehow atone for the high score I gave it and this short review will be that atonement
I will probably only get like 2 interactions on this thread because this show was only talked about for like 2 days on 2019 and it's already been forgotten, just to go to the same hell where the thousands of mediocre Japanese cartoons go when their 5 minutes of fame pass, but idc
Let's dissect this log of shit:
First of all, the concept:
Yeah, it's another disposable isekai, because we certainly haven't had enough of those. You know the drill, a wagecuck soylent gets run over by a car and ends up in another world to become the protagonist of a bad fantasy
However, the interesting thing is that the guy comes to the fantasy world with knowledge of modern science, which he uses to greatly enhance the power and versatility of his magic. Now that sounds interesting and somewhat novel, however, the execution is of course terrible
because the way the MC applies science to his magic is the most uncreative, skeletal and elemental of ways. The show doesn't do anything even remotely cool to mix science with magic, which sucks considering how fun of a concept it is
Secondly, the setting:
These modern isekai fantasy settings all lacked personality to begin with, but the setting of this show is as generic and uninspired as it gets. Western kingdom vs western empire in the middle ages. Elemental magic without a clear system exists
and the enemies are the most bland, lame and pathetic kind of off brand demons that you could imagine. Just overgrown animals or people with red eyes. Absolutely zero effort. Abysmal. Tragic in its lack of any redeeming quality
In the third place, the plot:
It's shit and boring. Not much more to say. MC goes around impressing people, looking cool and defeating retarded enemies. He gets a team of living, breathing anime character archetypes and goes on shit like dumb training camps and obligatory beach
volleyball games that exist for poor quality fanservice. It's not good. Terrible. I want someone to apologize to me for this. I'm entitled to an apology
In fourth place, the characters:
This show is almost admirable because it manages to not have good characters or bad characters, it simply has no characters. I refuse to acknowledge the supposed "characters" this show pretends to have
The MC is of course, the blandest of the bland, an empty shell made for self insertion who lacks any shred of personality.
The closest thing to a character is the villain, Olivier, but even him with his tragic backstory doesn't have it in him to deserve being called a character
Lastly, the presentation:
Surprise surprise, it's terrible. The animation is bad, the direction is bad, the fights look like shit blah blah so on and so forth
But hear me out... Despite this being an underwhelming experience in every respect, I found myself enjoying it and watching it really fast. Maybe it's just what I needed to turn off my brain in the free time I had in this week of classes. What can I say, I have trash taste
and trash shows are sometimes my guilty pleasure. Sometimes, sometimes all I need is a poorly held together collection of clichés and overused archetypes to entertain me and take my mind off the stress. So all in all... Yeah a 4 sounds fair?
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