There's this thing that has been on my mind for awhile that my dad said, and to try to get it out of my mind I am going to say something that is directed towards my dad and the transphobes in this thread.

Putting yourself in a trans person's shoes.
a thread.
So, imagine this. You are a person that has been thinking that you were supposed to be a guy ever since you were in kindergarten and has been suffering through gender dysphoria. When you work up the courage you decide to tell your dad, but you chicken out (1/?)
and write a note instead and put it on the table infront of the tv. When your dad reads the note he tells you to come here. He questions you about the note and says he'll call you by your preffered pronouns but will still call you by your deadname since he chose it (2/?)
which you were against the idea of but you didn't want him to go on a 30 minute tangent of why he picked your deadname. Then you come out to your mom who says your to young to know and calls you your deadname and refuses to use your preferred pronouns. (3/?)
then your dad starts to refuse to use your preferred pronouns and he says that he thinks your just faking the whole being trans thing which causes you to go to your room and cry for half an hour. Then there's people in roblox games who bully you for being trans (4/?)
(TW: MENTIONS OF TELLING PEOPLE TO COMMIT AND SLURS) And people on discord tell you to kys for being trans so then you cry for 30 minutes AGAIN. You end up losing a friend and get attacked by a close friend, their sister and brother calling you "granny tranny" and (5/?)
(TW: MENTIONS OF CONTEMPLATING SELFHARM AND MENTION OF N WORD) your close friend's sister calling you the n-word. You contemplate things like self harming and commiting. But you go against it, you don't want to make your online friends sad (6/?)
which your not even supposed to be talking to because your dad has a rule of no talking online. But talking online is an escape from the real world. But your not even safe online. People threaten to doxx you. It's an endless loop. (7/?)
This is why you all shouldn't try bringing trans people, or anyone down. You don't know what they'll do. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this thread.
(8/8 end of thread)
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