
fire signs & air signs. ESPECIALLY aries, leos, libras, & geminis. y'all been REAL hard headed lately. those signs you've ignored? that advice you didn't take? that thing you've been procrastinating to work on? well yeah spirit is about to thump you on your forehead for not—
listening. you're literally being shown everything you need to know but you keep ignoring it or pushing it to the side for what? are you afraid of change? are you afraid of failure? are you afraid of injustice? why are letting your fears block your inner knowing? trust yourself.
trust your intuition. each time you didn't use your intuition in the past, you've always regretted it. you always end up pondering & looking back on what you should've done or what you could've done. stop clouding your vision & mental space with all these what "ifs"-stop feeding—
into those fears & intrusive thoughts. a lot of you have been having some 3 of wands energy. looking at the view ahead of you but not quite ready to cross those waters yet. you're still trying to observe & analyze something, but there's really nothing more to see. how many more—
signs do you need? you've been letting your past get in the way of you moving forward. there's a difference in moving with caution & moving in fear. right now, you're allowing your fears drive into a direction that's different from your actual path. it's time to get back on—
track. it's also time to stop dimming your voice. honor your feelings & be vocal about them. speak your truth. stand your ground. stop trying to weigh the options of making sure you make a decision where everyone is pleased. it's not about everyone else anymore. it's about YOU.
what do you want? what do you need? a lot of seem to be feeling trapped mentally because you're trapped physically in a toxic home. you could have a job that mistreats you. you could be in a connection that's not serving you anymore. if you know it's time to move on then why—
are you still holding on? i'm feeling a lot of insecurities could've came to surface in this connection. it could have triggered or mirrored a lot of your inner child wounds, past traumas, or deepest fears. this is the connection that has or will make you take a deeper look at—
yourself. for majority of you, this connection is done for--for good. a very small amount of you could possibly work this out in the future, but the rest of you (most of you). this chapter is now closing. a lot of you will be experiencing a tower moment. you will experience—
another awakening. a lot of you will really see gains in every aspect of your lives. mentally, physically, financially, & spiritually. some of you have magick & alchemy in your bloodlines. connect with your roots & dive into your magick. you will be connecting with your—
spirit parents, ancestors, guides, & deities. it is time. some of you have a loved one that passed away that watches over you. i'm hearing father, grandmother, & possibly an aunt? strong masculine energy. this person connects with you through frogs, birds, bees, and/or lizards.
the colors pink, blue, red, black orange, or yellow could be significant to you. this person wants you to live your life the way you want to unapologetically & be yourself. they want you to remember your worth & stand in your power. they want you to know there's nothing to—
be afraid of. many of you could be missing this person. maybe you lost them during this time of the year or during the holidays. especially if you have virgo, pisces, or scorpio placements. they miss you too. they love you & they want you to know if you've been feeling any—
kind of touch or tingly sensations. that's them in their presence. they're drawing themselves closer to you. you will be able to connect with them more after you go through your awakening. they're going to be helping you for the part of your life you're about to enter next.
i see that 9/11 is important for y'all lol. things you continued to be blind towards? you will no longer be able to run away from the truth. a lot of shit is going down this day, but it's long overdue. your emotions might be running high this day. i'm not going to lie but i-
promise you'll come out of all this stronger. i feel some of you will handle what's about to happen just fine, but i feel the rest of you could end up crying, angry, or even fighting this day (verbally and physically)--um chile. i don't know what's about to happen but for me to—
channel fighting. it must be serious. i think another reader channeled some fighting too recently. i'm feeling for libra and gemini placements though. for the rest of you, it could just be an argument or disagreement. this is why i said be careful driving on 9/11. so much—
adrenaline will be rushing through bodies this day. i see some breakups, i see some fake friends being exposed, i see social media arguments, i see people meeting up at parks and fighting. chile this is so ghetto. i see harsh truths coming out. a lot of feelings will be hurt.
besides the fighting which i hope doesn't happen đŸ˜© but for some of you, it probably will. besides that, so much shit is coming to an end & coming to the light for the better. y'all wanted clarity? well you're about to get it. the self awareness that's about to happen tho?
*chef's kiss*--you're finally about to be living the life you were meant to live. that job is coming. that money is yours. that past life relationship or that new love? yeah--it's grounding. you could be seeing 333, 444, 555, 666, 88, and 999. no more blocking blessings. ✹
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