if you are preaching about prison +/ police abolition and also say that abusive or mean people should never have the resources to be genuinely rehabilitated I have bad news for you about actual abolitionists
I understand we've all been raised in a "justice" obsessed, punishment based society but not being willing to think outside of that is regressive. perma-ostracizing or killing people can only take your new ideal society so far before you have fucking cops again
and since some of you chucklefucks are probably already thinking stupid shit about me: I have seen awful shit, I have been sexually assaulted, horrible ppl have wreaked havoc on me and ppl I love. I still don't think they should be othered for the rest of their lives or killed.
yes I am a human with emotions and YES ofc sometimes I think shit like 'i wish those dudes would fucking die'. I went thru things and my brain says those things to me! but do I truly, thoughtfully, deeply want it? when I really really think about it on an intellectual level? no.
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