I decided to look into the Impeachment Trial (Ukraine, Russia etc), all the facts and evidences the MSM media have been talking about. I’ve looked into Glenn Becks presentation of the situation, and every other facet. Going deeper.
I looked and listened through the leaked audio, and documents, of Ukrainian officials. It’s not just about Hunter/Joe Biden, or President Trumps call. It’s nothing with that. There’s more in between.
Ex-President Barack Obama, the DNC with US officials (ie George Soros), and some Ukrainian officials ALL colluded to put Hillary Clinton in the White House. Corruption at the highest levels. A betrayal of every principle and teaching left from our Founders.
It’s my opinion though. Every person has to research for themselves.

I will never trust or watch MSM. I pray that the swamp will be drained, that law and order will be restored across America. May God bless us all to stand for the Constitution, for truth and righteousness.
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