Hey everyone, this post will be a bit heavy but it is VERY IMPORTANT to read, especially if you are enjoying content from artists.

Lately a few of my favourite Korean artists have voiced their concerns over their content being stolen, leading to some of them deleting all of
their works on twitter. I 100% believe their actions are totally understandable from their frustration and sadness over this. To work hard on content for your own enjoyment and also others' but only to have it stolen and edited for own selfish uses.. nothing can excuse that.
Unfortunately most of the theft comes from people who speak in English on english platforms so when they contact them, they have difficulty trying to get their points across or are simply ignored. Platforms such as Wattpad, AliExpress etc all can be seen with stolen content.
Most if not all of these Korean artists DO NOT condone to use/repost of their artworks beyond twitter and even so, always ask for PERMISSION. There is no "oh I put their credit!" Or "So what? Its just an edited cover" etc.. it HURTS artists to see their works being used for
something they didn't give permission for. You wouldn't enjoy it if someone stole your hard work and benefited from it themself.

So please, do not steal their hard work. I hate to read such sad and negative tweets regarding this and if you do happen to see itㅡ
Please report them!! It is also VERY helpful to make your own post with screenshots and links + tag the original artist so they can see it too.

- someone who just wants to enjoy international content 💛
You can follow @HQMin_.
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