Some fun stories about making that Towers of Midnight book trailer. (thread!) #twitteroftime @sarahenakamura
I met @sarahenakamura at JordanCon of that year. Somebody suggested I talk to her about playing the TOP SECRET role of Moiraine. When she and I met she told me she wanted to "hold and protect" Moiraine's character in order to "honor her." 2/x
We found a white mare only 13 "hands" tall. The absolute perfect Aldieb. Sarah told me she was in love when she met the horse. (She had experience riding) 3/x
We filmed the video on a local woman's sprawling acreage near my home in northern California. The owner started drinking at 4:30 AM when we arrived. We finished around noon, but by then she was so drunk that she kicked us off the land & threatened to call the cops. 4/x
Because I had a drunk woman threatening me by phone (and God knows what kind of guns this lady had out on her remote ranch!) I told Sarah to RUN the horse off the property for her safety. 5/x
After we finished filming, @sarahenakamura confided in me that she'd recently learned she was pregnant. She didn't tell me before because she was afraid I wouldn't let her ride a horse. (She was wrong, I totally would'a let her do it if she was comfortable!) 6/x
My favorite shot of the movie is the close up of @sarahenakamura's eyes. We filmed it in my back yard. Check out the before / after pics. 7/x
Matt Hatch of @Theoryland and @thedustywheel fame was on a road trip vacation with his family when we filmed. So they all came by and visited the set and my house afterward. 8/x
The visual effects for this video were done by the amazing @torresstudios. Marlon was amazing then, but holy crap you should see his work today. (Hey Marlon: we need to collaborate again on something!)
I had a ton of fun making that book trailer. Be sure to read more of the behind-the-scenes stuff at this link. Also, feel free to tweet questions at me!

Thanks! - @jasondenzel
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