I did expect The System to gin up the race/identity war when it started failing big time economically like it just has (unemployment, evictions, decoupling of the markets from IRL etc) it's still crazy as hell to see it play out in real time, and disappointing to see the takers
If you think poor whites or blacks or what they do matter here at all then you got played incredibly hard. The Fed is spending all _our_ (but really their) money to bail out companies/the wealthy indefinitely while this idiot race war sideshow is going on.
Read this again: The Fed has committed to INDEFINITELY, ie FOREVER, buying corporate debt. So basically they will give "free" money to the wealthy forever, but there's no such thing as free money of course. So they'll dissolve the value of your money forever, nibble away at it
There's not even pretense anymore, just the Attention Economy. These people are, if you are willing to pay attention, telling you they will take your money, your savings, and give it to the wealthy, forever, until you starve

To distract you (and them), they'll do anything
No mob at my door, and at yours neither. Though CNN would love to have us believe there was. They're spending all day ginning up race war, why? And why fall for it?
>but le blacks did
Yea shoot em but don't get caught up, zoom out. Breathe, full picture. https://twitter.com/CryptonMaximus5/status/1301680635837382661?s=19
The people you are dealing with, the actual enemies, regard damage in the millions as a joke. Some family's corner store going up in flames is funny to them because they could buy 10 casually

These are people who thoroughly don't care about you, so why listen to their propaganda
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