kids standing in it. I sprint to the side gate throw it open and go into the side door. I start yelling the garage is on fire you need to get out of the house! I grabbed the dog she grabbed the kids and we got everyone out safe. Just a couple minutes after everyone is out the
fire spread to the house.
The only reason I was able to know everything I needed to get them out quickly was because I am their mail carrier. The USPS delivers mail to every house every day. We aren't just providing a service, we are part of the communities we deliver in.
I get to talk to this one elderly women on my route every day. I like to check up on her to make sure she is ok. Some people on my route are just so happy to see me and it really brightens my day and I try to brighten theirs.
The postal service has been such a critical part in building up this country. I'm so proud to be part of it. The USPS is in the Constitution article 1 section 8. We were vital in building this country and connecting it together. We built postal roads linking communities together!
The USPS and it's employees will always do everything we can to connect with and be part of the community. Every single USPS employee I personally know if faced with that situation I was in definitely would have helped any way they could.
I feel one of the most patriotic things you can do is support the USPS. We employ more veterans than any other agency. We bring medication right to your door, no matter where you live. It's about providing a service not squeezing every penny out of the customers pockets we can!
Let's refer back to the USPS and the Constitution. The Congress has the power to establish Post Offices and post roads as written in the Constitution. I beg of Congress and every single person living in the United States to stand up for the USPS. We will stand up with you.
I know this country feels as divided as ever. It might be different than when we were first created hundreds of years ago but the task is still the same. Let the USPS build up the roads to help bring this country back together.
There may not be actual roads but I know we the USPS can get it done with everyone's help.
@realDonaldTrump @JoeBiden @SenSchumer @RandPaul @SenSanders pleas feel free to share this thread with anyone and everyone. Let's come together!
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