After hearing that Kara's comment was "no big deal" from white ppl, I figured it might be a good teaching moment. I'm going to stick up some resources here, along with the simple comment that, if an NA person says, "Hey, that is hurtful," it's not hard to be decent.
The president's use of "Pocahontas" was as a slur, and we shldn't do that either. I mean, this just seems obvious but apparently not?
Another reason it's a big deal, even though someone I once respected said it was just like mixing up "Nigeria" with the "n" word. smh "Pocahontas was real. She was an indigenous woman of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe in Virginia ..." cont.
"She was kidnapped and raped by colonizers as a teen, a common practice. Tragically, this is still a common practice. Today, 4 in 5 American Indian and Alaska Native women (84.3%) have experienced violence in their lifetimes ..." cont.
"More than 1 in 2 Native women in the United States have experienced sexual violence, and of those, 96% were assaulted by at least one non-Native perpetrator. Indigenous women often suffer multiple forms of discrimination ..." cont.
" ... that can increase their vulnerability to all forms of violence, including human trafficking. Though data is scant, indigenous women and communities are alarmed at the number of missing and murdered American Indian and Alaska Native women."
When you use this slur, no matter how "cleverly" you pair it, you're reminding NA that you don't give a damn abt their safety and that your feminist ideals conditional on skin color and culture.

It's that simple. Please check your privilege. PS. Trump doesn't care if it trended
The only ppl hurt are the NA ppl who begged it to be taken down. I'm so sad white ppl, my fellow white ppl, keep pulling this crap and pretending there is no reason to be upset.
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