Every time I was abused as a child I looked for help around me & never found it. It wasn't until I was a grown woman that I learned just how bad my situation was & I was able to make calls to reject abuse in my family system. The thing about calls to end abuse is, you're reliant
on the abilities of the people called to responsibility. Possible allies who are unable to acknowledge abuse, abusers who will not recognize their guilt & damage, enablers who will never admit what they allowed to happen - their reactions will be based on all their flaws.
Those calling for ends to abuse will be met with further abuse - they'll be vilified, attacked, degraded, blamed, violated, misrepresented - their agency snuffed out so the abusers can resist the discomfort of change & rejection of the damage they caused. They will do anything
to avoid the pain of seeing their flaws & sins. This is what we are seeing right now on a national level.

Black people have been systematically abused & now they are calling for this abuse to end. The abusers will not even acknowledge there's a problem. They have done everything
they can to further the abuse. They have joined the ranks of law enforcement to build an infrastructure to cover each other. They have joined protests to cause the very damage they claim the protestors are doing in order to aim their guns back at the victims and show "See? See?!"
See how bad they are? See what they made me do!?"
BLM has been vilified, attacked, degraded, blamed, violated, misrepresented by a cadre of racist abusers & enablers.

The problem is the racism & the inability for the racists to turn their gaze inward to see themselves. Anywhere
inward. Never inward. Because to turn their gaze inward would be to lay their abuses bare & they would have to see what they really are. And they will do anything they can to avoid that.

Systems of abuse have a kind of autoimmune system that attacks anyone who calls out abuse.
Protect the self. Always protect the self.

Well, the problem is there is no future for racist abusers. We are moving forward and they are staying behind. We will not allow them to abuse anymore. They are going to have a lot of work to do. I already did a lot of it - follow me
down this list of everything I had to fix to come away from unspeakable abuse and familial racism https://twitter.com/RedloraineV/status/1063909061823913984?s=20
Learn to listen to people when they tell you about their experiences and believe them when they share the abuses they have lived through. https://twitter.com/RedloraineV/status/1270421126586363904?s=20
You can follow @RedloraineV.
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