Today's Selection: Archivist Wasp by Nicole Kornher-Stace @wirewalking
I found the author via twitter (blame ursula, blame @UrsulaV ursulav probably) and that is how I found the book!
Then I bought a Kobo ereader, whichever model. Doesn't matter, cause you can get Archivist Wasp and Latchkey from Kobo Store right from the solitude of your bedroom!
(provided you have a wifi connection, otherwise you'll have to acquire it using alternative means of internet connection)

Pretty sure it's also available on Amazon.

Wasp (who once had another name) is the Archivist, the girl in charge of brutally fighting and killing other girls to keep her position of Ghost-Interrogator/Recorder-in-Chief, under the control of a shady-as-fuck priest who I hated instantly and I was RIGHT
Book opens on the maintain-your-position fight and we get a glimpse of how fucking shitty this particular post-apocalyptic world is... but at the same time, humans are at least surviving.
If you don't think the priest is shitty, GTFO.
So, Wasp meets GHOST. Ghosty McGhostface.
He is very important, like Thomas Muller/Robert Lewandowski to Bayern Munich important.
Wasp, being awesome, dies. Sort of. And goes with Ghost into the UNDERWEIRD.
See, ghosts can't remember shit, and the Archivist's job is to figure out the Before Times.
Much more plot and I'll spoil the beans.
Let's move on to why Wasp is important to me.
Wasp is the kind of heroine I would be. Except I would be huggier. I'm a hugger. I love hugs. I've had three or four since March and am actively dying.
I will reluctantly fight to survive.
I don't care to fucking "fall in love" because I've spent considerable time with a particular individual of the opposite gender to mine.
Wasp, of course, is braver and stronger than me, cause her world puts her in the position where she has to be. She gets shit done.
Wasp probably does not have ADHD; I probably do.
This book contains no sex. Do you know how fucking rare that is? the two MCs don't fuck. They don't think about fucking. They don't lust after each other.
They are, after a fashion, friends.

Do you know what I would give...
... to have a Ghost of my very own? Somebody that's got my back even when I'm annoying and sad and being shitty? Not just because I'm smart or have a gift or have a rando assignment of genitals and secondary sex characteristics that gets him hard?

probably a lot. if i was brave.
Wasp goes on an adventure, in a place where fucking can happen, and it doesn't.
No dying, no fucking, no missed opportunity for romance, and Wasp saves the gods-damned day!

Let me be like Wasp. Let me be me.

Archivist Wasp, for me, was a glimpse of a world that could have been
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