So. An update:

MissIcy was vomiting for half the night (and still now) so we're all gonna go get a Covid test shortly...
Got the Covid test for all of us at a drive thru (so convenient!) but phone call with Dr recommended taking MissIcy to emergency >.< Just going to give her an hour to see how she goes then decide...
WELL then.

(MissIcy's ketones were still rising and she was not looking good.)
Ketones and blood sugar OK, but suspected appendicitis plus other infection. In hospital overnight.
Waiting to see the surgeons to what they think. Night OK but BOY am I tired and I would KILL for a caffeine.
Yep. That appendix is coming OUT. Sometime. Today?
Coffee achieved.
All good! MissIcy's appendix out. We have at least 1 more night in hospital.
Just waiting to see surgeons to get OK to go home.
Def going home today, but we need to wait for paperwork. So after lunch?
We are home! (And have been for an hour). Maaaaannnnn I'm buggered....
Honestly it has been more stressful at home that in the hospital. MissIcy does not understand the words "take it easy" and "let your body recover" and "don't carry anything heavy". FFS....
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