So this happened today.
I’ve been corresponding with my same sex pen friend in Italy who i met on the internet we’ve been exchanging loving letters for some years now it’s all been very intense.
We can’t zoom because he doesn’t have internet now
He’s moved to a remote part of Italy to become a farmer & live a vegan lifestyle.
So today Francesco went to an Internet cafe and and managed to call me via zoom it was amazing seeing his face & his eyes but i noticed his eyes were sad.
I asked him what’s wrong & he said he misses me & said we won’t ever see each other ever again & Brexit means we can never have a physical relationship.
We both cried so hard & it was so emotional knowing I’ll never be able to see him.
Please send hugs we’re so upset about Brexit & how we’re being forced to live apart like this.
Young lovers shouldn’t be separated like this it’s against our will it’s our human rights enshrined in law! 😡
After the zoom call i had to phone in sick the emotional stress & heartbreak all too much to take.
I’m beside myself with grief Brexit has ruined my my love life! 😡
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