🎉Today is my 1️⃣ year anniversary working at @AWSAmplify!

While I celebrate (pandemic-style) with store-bought sushi and a bottle of red wine, I thought I'd reflect on this anniversary a bit...

The @AWSAmplify culture is *amazing*. No one thinks they're the "smartest person in the room". Everyone on the team is supportive and actively avoids "cowboy coding."

It rivals my positive experiences at ~150-person companies.

"It feels like a startup, but cash-positive." 😅
All my prior jobs had "Our Values" or "Our Culture" listed out, but weren't internalized. (Or beyond a few teams.)

https://www.amazon.jobs/en/principles  are *foundational*. Conversations & documents reference them by name (and not tongue-in-cheek!).
Data drives decisions, but doesn't feel oppressive. Not everything is or can be measured, so "Are Right, a Lot" closes the gap when not all decisions can be objective.

Being open-source, data may be tweets, GitHub reactions, analytics, whatever.📈

It's visible yet not dogmatic.
Career growth & promotion is an *active* process thanks to the "Hire and Develop the Best" LP.

I hear that, if you don't have the projects or the manager to help you grow (with corresponding data), promotion may be tough.

That hasn't been my experience. Managers are 💯
Everyone is aware, from top-to-bottom, that there's an abysmally-handled pandemic going on in the world.

Work/Life balance isn't just preached, it's practiced across all levels.

Hearing leaders say "I need a week to collect myself" sets a positive example across the org.
As an open-source project, on-call is much healthier than what I experienced elsewhere. (Those experiences often involved 5 separate teams for what was a 1-team resolution)

When there _is_ a disruption, I'm glad that COEs ( https://wa.aws.amazon.com/wat.concept.coe.en.html) get created and *prioritized*.
Writing is *huge*. Amazon is famous for PRFAQs ( https://www.optimizeforoutcomes.com/the-prfaq/ ) and 6-pagers.

Even with those, I start everyday with a checklist of TODOs and bullet-points of learnings.

Action-items get moved to the next day, or left behind.

Those daily notes are *career impacting*.
Let's talk pay.

There's a ~$160k cap on take-home pay. (I don't know many at that, TBH. I'm not.)

The rest of comp are RSUs. Sure, it's good that $AMZN historically does well.

But, the value is that I treat them like savings, not lifestyle-changing. 💸
A testament to how great this org is can be seen in amazing DAs, such as @dabit3, @swyx, and now @ASpittel.

You know how you get excited at a conference to talk shop with a Twitter buddy? Now imagine that energy all year.
This year has been understandably awful for many people.

TBH, there have been several rough patches for myself & my family that made me want to give up on most everything.

Instead, today, I wanted to reflect, be thankful, be *happy*, and be proud of myself for once.

You can follow @ericclemmons.
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